Friday, February 09, 2007

Like A Bad Habit...

...dropping this blog, that is. I'm mulling over that option. As I eXplained in the previous post, Blogger once again didn't notify me of comments waiting to be published. And I dread being one of the "lucky people" to make the switch to New Blogger and finding my stuff vaporized.

When it does work, Blogger is great. When it doesn't, my own website is a lot easier, even with HTML and FTP. So if I end up MIA here, look for me at .

I just fine-tuned my homepage again. There are two main sections, X-Rays and The Zine Zone. You'll find my older articles in zine form in the second section. X-Rays will serve as a blog where I will accumulate articles for a zine edition.

Until I see how Blogger is going to work out, I will probably only post links here to the latest articles at my website. Keep in mind I created my own site from scratch. It's plain vanilla, no fancy graphics and other eye candy. For me the message takes priority over the medium.

And since I don't trust Blogger's comment moderation system, please email me at .

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